Unveiling of a bust Of academician Gheorghe Paladi
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Today, December 22, in the courtyard of Chisinau Municipal Clinical Hospital no. 1 has been inaugurated the bust of university professor Gheorghe Paladi, Doctor Habilitated in medical sciences, former head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, obstetrician, Scientist Emeritus, Knight of the Order of the Republic, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The event is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the founding of the medical institution.
At the opening ceremony, the rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Professor Emil Ceban, mentioned that Gheorghe Paladi was part of the gold graduation class of Chisinau State Institute of Medicine, being the representative of a generation of illustrious scientists, renowned educators and managers in the area and great deeds.
"It was he, a representative of the generation that has gone through the ordeal of war, famine and social injustice and has laid the foundations of higher medical education and the national health system. These famous personalities are our national pride, we owe the good name of the University in the country and abroad to them. Talking about academician Gheorghe Paladi means turning an important page in the history of medicine and university life in our country", the rector emphasized.
According to Professor Ceban, his life and work were organically integrated into the University’s activity, both developed and became mature together, with Academician Paladi being one of the creators and eyewitnesses of Alma Mater's history. "Professor Gheorghe Paladi's name will forever be linked to the establishment of the Mother and Child Institute as a full-fledged, modern service. He is a true patriot of our country and nation, in love with its culture, language and history, continuously cultivating this love in the young generations", added the rector.
Ion Ceban, Chisinau general mayor, says that people come to the maternity hospital having emotions as regards the newborns: "The most important thing in your work is the care and responsibility for the future of this country." The head of the capital city announced that, in the next period, a museum and a library would be opened within the medical institution.
Academician Eva Gudumac, consultant professor at Natalia Gheorghiu Department of Pediatric Surgery, Orthopedics and Anesthesiology of Nicolae Testemitanu University, has specified that Gheorghe Paladi is an extraordinary person, an excellent doctor, who has surpassed the limits of his specialty, which is why he is honored by the entire medical community of the country.
"This bust is a symbol of gratitude from the country’s academic and medical community towards a distinguished personality of the nation - illustrious scientist, educator, great doctor. It will have a special significance for the next generations, who will remember and express their gratitude to academician Gheorghe Paladi, who educated many obstetricians, gynecologists and scientific researchers ", said the first vice-rector of Nicolae Testemitanu University, professor Olga Cernețchi, disciple, head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
The author of the sculpture, Veaceslav Jiglițchi, present at the event, thanked, on behalf of his team and the people of Chisinau, for the heroic work for the benefit of humanity of Professor Paladi and all doctors.
In his turn, academician Gheorghe Paladi proudly pointed out that at the hospital to which he dedicated 60 years of activity, during this period, half a million children were born. "This bust is an expression of gratitude for the generations that started from scratch, creating until now a modern maternity hospital at the Municipal Hospital no. 1. I strived to work together with the team, with people dedicated to the profession, who laid the foundations of the medical field Obstetrics and Gynecology", mentioned the famous doctor.
Iurie Crasiuc, director of Gheorghe Paladi Municipal Clinical Hospital, stated that the inauguration of the bust represented a confirmation of the quality offered by the institution managed by him:”This treasure created through professor Gheorghe Paladi’s activity remains in safe hands as in our institutions work only true professionals”.
One year ago, Municipal Clinical Hospital no. 1 was given the name Gheorghe Paladi in honor of the illustrious doctor and scientist.
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